Lado, T. F., Mogga, D. G. and Benjamin, R. A. L. 



The study was carried out to determine patterns of birds’ species richness and abundance in Badingilo national park us-ing a 10 m fixed-radius point count method. A total of 2670 individuals were recorded from 182 points in the park. The highest expected number of species (Jack1 estimator) was observed in the Riverine habitat and least was in the Agriculture and Human settlement habitat type. The total number of species observed in the park was 63; however Jack1 estimator indicated that there were 68 species in the park. The majority of the birds observed during the study were resident species, few migratory and Pa-laearctic bird species. Few birds observed in the park were abundant. The most abundant species was the village weaver (381 individuals), and the rarest species were black bellied bustard, barn owl, black scimitar bill and tree pipit (one individual each).


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