Nubian flapshell turtle found in northern Uganda.
Luiselli et al., Download the PDF Nubian_flapshell_turtle_found_in_northern_Uganda
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Research Publications Repository
Luiselli et al., Download the PDF Nubian_flapshell_turtle_found_in_northern_Uganda
Lukou, Y. S et al., ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze, map, and identify the prevalence of, service provision for, and risk distribution and control for Human African Trypanosomosis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, in the endemic areas of Greater Equatoria…
Jok Thikuiy Gang , Garang Dakjur Lueth and Onwar Otien Jwodh ABSTRACT Double uterus (uterus didelphys) is the second least common congenital anomaly of the female genital tract resulting from failure of fusion of the two Müllerian ducts during embryological…
Lado S.N., Sube K.L., Tongum J. B ABSTRACT Echinococcosis (hydatidosis) remains a crucial public health concern in areas of endemicity including South Sudan. It affects mostly liver and lungs but rarely musculoskeletal system. A female, aged 75 years, presented to…
William Deng Tap, Helicopter Mark Bulbul and Biar Simon Ajang Abstract This chapter reports the views of South Sudanese secondary school teachers about the use of humour in the mathematics classroom as a teaching and learning tool. The use of…
Aham Edward Kanuto & Niu Xionying Abstract Although there is a growing amount of literature on how to survive and thrive in the face of workplace adversity, there is still a scarcity of research on universities teachers’ morale. The current…
Otim J.S., Khemis B., and Albino P. (2022). Abstract The changing environment, climate, and the increasing manifestation of disasters, has generated an increased demand for accurate and timely weather information. This information is provided by the National meteorological authorities (NMAs)…
Aham Edward Kanuto Abstract The study on Employee’s selection process and organisation performance was guided by four research objectives were oriented towards determining the respondents profiles in terms of gender, age, level of education, type of employment and length of…
Aham Edward Kanuto & Niu Xionying Abstract The majority of businesses are looking for ways to improve their performance in whatever manner they can. The impact of corporate social responsibility, trade enhancement, and business characteristics on firm performance is investigated…
Tony Ngalamu, Abishkar Subedi, Gerrit-Jan van Uffelen Abstract This research brief summarises the key findings of a seed system resilience field assessment and a multi-stakeholder dialogue conducted in September-October 2020 in Torit County, South Sudan.This activity was conducted as a…