Karija, M. K., Shihua, Q. and Lukaw,Y.S.

The inadequate and un-scientific municipal solid waste management practices and the poor state of sanitation in most cities of the developing countries have resulted into the pollution of the environment: contamination of both surface and ground water which is in turn a serious human health risk. This study aimed at investigating the effect of indiscriminate municipal solid wastes dumping on water resources with specific focus on fecal coliform contamination in Juba city. Also some physical parameters such as temperature, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Electrical Conductivity (EC) were tested. The results revealed that the River Nile and the streams within Juba are highly contaminated; with an average range of 15.25 – 102.6 Coliform Forming Unit/100ml (CFU/100ml) for the River Nile. The pH and temperature were within the normal range. TDS showed very high values with range of 47 – 123 mg/100ml which is far beyond the USEPA and WHO recommended 500 ml/L. The EC was not so high; ranges between 59µs – 201µs/cm which is slightly above the recommended 160 µs/cm. For the streams, the CFU/100ml was found to be abnormally high ranging from 1.25 – 11,540.5 CFU/100ml. TDS and EC were also high ranging from 41 – 868 mg/100ml and 15 – 1761 µs/cm respectively. The pH and the temperature showed normality. The CFU/100ml readings of the boreholes and the well were within the range of 0 – 26 CFU/100ml. Out of the eleven sampled boreholes, six were clean with 0 CFU/100ml the EPA and WHO recommended value but the other five and the well were contaminated. The TDS and EC were extremely high ranging between 481 – 823 mg/100ml and 1032 – 1775 µs/cm respectively. pH and temperature were within normal range. The study concluded that the poor municipal solid waste management in Juba is posing high risk to the human health and the environment.

Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste, Sanitation, Fecal Coliform, Water Contamination, CFU/100ml


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