by Jacob Dut Chol Riak


This paper discusses global and digital marketing strategies in the context of business and politics. It highlights the importance of global and digital marketing in promoting products and profits. Theories of global marketing, such as Uppsala Internationalization and Network Internationalization, are critiqued. Case studies and empirical literature reviews were used as research methodology, including the analysis of global and digital marketing strategies, prospects, and challenges. The Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) was examined, identifying challenges such as deregulation, lack of infrastructure, customer needs, and market diversification. Solutions include better regulations, investment incentives, customer retention, and market diversification. The Nile Petroleum Corporation (NILEPET) was analyzed in terms of market segmentation, brand building, and customer engagement, while Baker Hughes East Africa Ltd’s digital marketing strategy was also reviewed. Tools like email marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and social media were noted. The global marketing of crude oil, with a focus on the South Sudan Crude Oil Marketing Joint Committee, was explored, along with future market prospects. Challenges such as lack of investment, inadequate infrastructure, and risks like cyberbullying and online scamming were also discussed. The paper concludes by emphasizing the prioritization of global and digital marketing in business operations, particularly in the oil and gas industry.

Keywords: Global, Digital, Marketing, Strategy, Theory, Uppsala, Network, Internationalization,
Prospect, Hurdle.

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